Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How Fashion Changed My Life (Or at Least My Mornings)

My love for fashion helped me develop a regular meditation practice. Yes, I said fashion!

I've taken amazing classes--and lots of them. I've studied with some of the best yoga and meditation teachers in the world. I've read countless books. I've blogged in an attempt to hold myself accountable. I think I ever made a chart at one point. Did any of this help me to develop a consistent and regular yoga practice? Nope! It would work for about a week.. then.. Poof! Something happened (I have no idea what) and I just couldn't do it anymore. It was my fashion obsession that changed everything for me.

I was in the habit of standing in my closet every morning for a good 10 minutes scratching my head. I have SO many choices, and yet, I would think to myself, "I have NOTHING to wear.. I hate ALL of my clothes." Often, I'd put one one outfit... decide it's not the right one and change several times before I actually made it out the door. All of this takes a ridiculous amount of time.

Ironically, even though I spent so much time getting ready in the mornings, I realized I still wear the same outfits over and over again. This is unacceptable for someone who loves clothes as much as I do. Determined to make better use my closet and dresser (both ridiculously full), one Sunday afternoon I decided to find five creative new outfits for the week. I tried everything on. I laid out every outfit--even the jewelry.

The following week, I was astonished by how much time this saved me in the morning. I felt fabulous in my newly-constructed wardrobe and ready for work with 15 minutes to spare.. So I thought, what the heck? I sat down to meditate. That was almost three months ago, and I haven't missed a day since.

Since I just happened into my meditation practice this time, I had no expectations and no worries. It wasn't forced--just a happy accident. This means I've been able to watch it all unfold organically, without judgment. I really am noticing a difference. I'm calmer, more connected, and yes, better dressed!

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