Tuesday, September 28, 2010

10 Ways to Trick Your Husband into Doing Yoga

1. Tell him it will make him sleep like a baby -- a happy, relaxed, content baby.

2. Try this line: "Yoga is about being, not about doing. You're actually doing it right now, Honey. You just don't know it."

3. Embody the bliss . . . and wait for him to come to you. I think it was Alanna Kaivalya who, in a workshop I took with her at a conference, said you can't get someone to come to your way of thinking by forcing them. It's much more effective if you attract them by being nonchalant and mysterious about it. "Wow, you look really relaxed and great lately! What are you doing?" "Oh, nothing really. It's just the yoga. You can come with me next time if you want."

4. Start simple, with one pose. I suggest Savasana (Corpse Pose) or Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose).

5. Let him think it's a massage. Spy your dearest hunched over his keyboard. Take the opportunity to give him a sweet shoulder adjustment. Over time, you'll see him sit up a little straighter in the chair.

6. Sneak a little yoga philosophy into your everyday conversations. "I'm sorry you had a bad day at work. But we can enjoy the evening together, right? Just be here in the present moment?"

7. Take advantage of holidays, birthdays, and special occasions. Anwser the question "What do you want for your birthday/Christmas/Valentine's Day/our anniversary?" with a simple. "If you don't know what to get you could always just go to a yoga class with me . . ." Just make sure it's a jovial suggestion, and not a guilt trip or a nag.

8. Play Krishna Das in the background while you're doing chores around the house.

9. Don't try to be his teacher. Imagine how you'd feel if he were correcting your poses. Unless you're doing a restorative practice together, leave your house and go to a class for heavens sake! You want this to be a pleasant experience not something that starts an argument.

10. Make sure your intentions are for his happiness and well-being, not your own.

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