Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Corpse Pose, You Make Me Feel Alive!

I know Savasana (Corpse Pose) is all about practicing death and everything, but nothing gives me more energy and makes me feel more alive than a nice, long yoga practice followed by a nice, long Savasana.

Right now, I'm in the middle of a week long vacation. It's the first real vacation I've had since I started working five years ago—no traveling, no family visits, no obligations. And if feels like a 10-minute Savasana. One of those where you enjoy every breath, hoping your teacher doesn't ruin your rest by talking or ringing a chime.

For me, the secret to a great Savasana is practicing a yoga sequence difficult enough to leave me physically exhausted. Then, it's easy to let go. In life, this tactic only works if you have time for a vacation after all that work.

A few more of my Savasana secrets:
— Get comfortable. Wiggle around until all the wiggles are out, then surrender.
— If wiggling doesn't work, use as many blankets, bolsters, straps, and sandbags as you need to help you feel comfortable.
— Make sure you're warm. It's hard to relax when your feet are cold!
— Help to calm your mind by covering the eyes with an eye pillow, scarf, or even a hood.
— When your mind wanders, try to focus on the breath in and out.

And most important, don't stress about Savasana. As my first yoga teacher used to say, "Yoga is about being, not doing." As long as you're there and resting, you're getting the benefits. (And expecting more than what is available to you, well, it's something a spoiled yogi would do!)

When you get back up, it will feel like returning from a little vacation every time.

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